Date: 28-29 August 2021
Time: 3:00pm – 6:30pm (IST) , 9:30am – 1pm (GMT)
Location: JEN Singapore Tanglin Hotel, 1A Cuscaden Rd, Singapore
The Asia-Pacific Alliance for the Control of Influenza (APACI) in collaboration with the Association of Physicians India (API), and the Indian Chest Society (ICS), in cooperation with the Middle East, Eurasia and Africa Influenza Stakeholders Network (ME’NA-ISN), is holding a virtual Respiratory Diseases Workshop for India on 28 & 29 August 2021.
Using the new guidelines on pneumonia and influenza by the ICS as a basis for the program, the workshop will consider three respiratory diseases including COVID-19, in addition to pneumonia and flu.
The meeting will be ideal for Respiratory Physicians, Pulmonologists, Infectious Diseases Specialists, Medical Students and other Healthcare Professionals, Microbiologists, Epidemiologists, and Government & Public Health Officials. The Meeting will be endorsed by the API.
Conference Objectives
The meetings will therefore ensure participants:
- Understand the importance of pneumococcal vaccination in older people, and the changing spectrum of the disease.
- How best to manage influenza.
- Better understand Covid vaccines, co-infections, and super-infections
- Receive updates on best practices for prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.
- Become aware of new developments in vaccines and treatments regarding influenza, pneumonia, and COVID-19.
Day 1 – 28 August 2021
Opening Remarks
1500 – 1510 Introduction: Prof Yuelong Shu (APACI Chairman)
1510 – 1515 Welcome: Kamlesh Tewary (API President)
1515 – 1520 Welcome: D Behera (ICS President)
1520 – 1525 Welcome: Dr Salah Al Awaidy (MENA-INS President)
Session 1: Pneumonia
1525 – 1530 Introduction by Chair: Shashank Joshi
Poll: Have you been vaccination against pneumonia? Y/N
1530 – 1550 Michael Woodward. Importance of vaccination against pneumococcal disease in older people
1550 – 1610 DJ Christopher. Bacterial Pneumonia: The changing spectrum of disease in India
1610 – 1630 Raja Dhar. Pneumococcal vaccination in India: What is different in the guidelines?
1630 – 1700 Discussion – Q&A
Session 2: Influenza
1700 – 1705 Introduction by Chair: Salah Al Awaidy
Poll: Have you been vaccination against influenza? Y/N
1705 – 1725 Harunor Rashid. Epidemiology and prevention of respiratory viral infections at mass gatherings
1725 – 1745 Ivan Hung. Management of Influenza
1745 – 1805 Mine Durusu-Tanriover. Rationale and benefits of flu vaccination in priority groups
1805 – 1835 Discussion – Q&A

Day 2 – 29 August 2021
Session 3: COVID-19 (Panel Discussion): COVID Vaccines, co-infections, & superinfections
1530 – 1535 Chair: Introduction by Agam Vora
Moderator: Robert Booy Confirmed
Poll: Have you had your first COVID vaccination? Y/N
Poll: Have you had your second COVID vaccination? Y/N
1535 – 1640 Panel Discussion: COVID-19 vaccines and superinfections
Gary Grohmann, Randeep Guleria, Paul Griffin, Sheldon Campbell
Session 4: New Developments in Vaccines & Treatments
1640 – 1645 Introduction by Chair: GC Khilnani
1645 – 1705 Parvaiz Koul. Where to now with pneumococcal vaccines?
1705 – 1725 Kanta Subbarao. Universal flu vaccines
1725 – 1745 Prashant Chhajed. Monoclonal antibodies and other COVID therapies
1745 – 1805 Discussion – Q&A
1805 – 1815 Closing remarks
1815 Close